Tag: HRA

Rebuttal to Developer-funded Health Risk Assessment

In April supporters of Yes on L published a new HRA (Health Risk Assessment) from the same company that did the original one.  An independent analysis of that HRA has uncovered major flaws with the methodology, enough to make it invalid.

Click here for the full document

According to this analysis, the methodology is inaccurate in methodology and in omissions and the health risk to children understated by a large factor, large enough to change the outcome of the report.  There were several problems including:

  • Air Quality used was average of an entire day, though children would be using the field from 3-6pm, when traffic is much heavier.
  • Children were assumed to be standing in place, when they would in fact be exercising vigorously.
  • Ultrafine Particulate Matter was completely ignored.

Correcting the errors results in a determination that the field is unsuitable for the intended activities.