Outside counsel contract must be extended on a permanent basis for the Terraces Apartment development
– Come speak to the City Council this comingMonday, Aug 13th starting at 6:15 P.M in the Library.
– Write an email to the city clerk jrobbins@ci.lafayette.ca.us before noon on Monday.
Why Outside Legal Help Must Continue:
Our City Council will consider extending the contract with Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass LLP, the law firm that was brought in to bolster the city’s legal team related to legal matters of the Terraces Apartments. Given the spectrum of opinions on the city council, the Coblenz law firm will give a balanced presentation on both sides of the legal debate; and take a safe approach with an ongoing clearer understanding of how a court could determine various outcomes.
You must speak up now so that the city attorney and majority on the council do not fail to take appropriate administrative and legal steps for denial of the Terraces Apartments.
Send an email to the City Council c/o city clerkjrobbins@ci.lafayette.ca.us
Outside counsel with Coblenz should be extended on a permanent basis for the Terraces project to (1) properly respond to letters from the developer’s attorney, Alan Moore (2) to advise on preserving all legal options for the city and (3) to unbiasedly clarify specific impacts of the original general plan and zoning designations.