Ten things to know about Measure L

There have been a lot of claims regarding Measure L, and some of the debates can get fairly complicated, especially when people start getting into matters of law.  Here then is a quick guide, written (mostly) in plain English, with some of the facts that you need to know.

Click here for your Measure L Quick Guide


Save Lafayette


5 thoughts on “Ten things to know about Measure L

  1. I’d like to say something on behalf of the younger Lafayette generation in terms of long-term sustainability. Besides all else that is stated on this website, this development plan is one of the most short term low profit projects ever in Lafayette. Many of us of Lafayette are raised here and come back because of the beautiful land and safe city. This current generation is not planning for my generation and the ones below me. I currently go to highschool at campo and seeing this plan is clearly impacting much more than adults. I want to come back to the lafayete I was raised in. The green hills and the quiet landscape. Now we’re stuck in traffic and have NO PARKING. But that’s a small part of the huge issue. This project puts problems on our police and fire forces, requires more tax money for schools, roads etc. The supposed money that’s going to be made is going straight to realtors and developers. But this is all known already. Environmentally speaking, this is going to add more pressure on our water supply, our creeks, our hills, and our wildlife. If you want me to speak ever for the younger genrations please feel free to contact me.

    1. Cole well said and know that your voice has been heard. The No on Measure L voters will continue after the June 5th votes are counted to advocate for you.

  2. The zoning attempt in 2010 for one house per 5 acres is appropriate. That needs to be revisited and made law. Better land exists for adding more new homes if they are needed. As an example, the 23 townhomes at the corner of Pleasant Hill Road and Mount Diablo Boulevard, where Hungry Hunter used to be, produced none of the negatives that will come from Deer Hill.

    Is it possible that that property is the site of a sacred Indian burial ground? Acalanes Ridge is nearby, and the Saclan Indians called this area home before Spanish, Mexican and Anglos moved in.

  3. The Deer Hill project will be an enormous black eye for Lafayette. There is not one redeeming quality about it, and an abundance of negatives. And if L passes you can bet it will set a precedent for more egregious violations of good sense.

    This is all proposed for short term benefit to the land owner, the developer, and the project manager. They surely plan to reap millions in profit, at the expense of all of us. We live here, breathe here, use the roads here, raise our kids here, pay taxes here, and we want to look up at the hillsides and trees of our semi rural, open space enhanced town. We don’t want to see 44 more houses perched above the freeway. With fabulous floor plans, choice surfaces, triple glazed inoperable windows and triple X HEPA filters to keep the bad air out. Pour me another glass of pinot and flip on the HDTV, I’ve had a hard day.

    We don’t want to drive up traffic choked Deer Hill Road or Pleasant Hill Road to bring a pooch to a damn dog park, are you nuts? Or have a nice exhaust fume fueled trot down the running trail. We don’t want to compete with another 1200 automobile trips when we go over the hill to avoid the traffic choked 24/680 mess. We don’t want to think about our kids inhaling particulates.

    Maybe the developer can kick in money for a respirator hut on the soccer field as a concession. Dark days ahead.

    1. Hans, well said. We only need one vote over half to win tomorrow and then push reset.

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